Saturday, March 31, 2012

Jesus Falls a Second Time

The Seventh Station
Jesus Falls a Second Time

"Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."   (Matthew 11.28-30)

I sit in an internet cafe, sipping a beer, hoping that my film uploads by midnight. If I really want to be honest about how I feel spiritually, I'd say that I am in a desert. Uninspired. Yet, somehow, while feeling like this, I still have moments when I am acutely aware of God and His presence. It's not a feeling or a sensation, it's just a “knowing”. It is like when I was a child and something frightened me in the night. I'd run as fast as I could through the dark passage way “knowing” that my mum was at the end of it and I would be safe there but that didn't take away the fear as I passed through the darkness... but it is what kept me running!

I keep pushing forward in this spiritual journey, praying that I will be granted the grace I need to “endure to the end” and that God will allow me to be fully aware of His love for me, or, should I say, open my heart and mind to realise how much He loves me.

Once again, Christ had me on His mind as He hit the ground a second time. He was aware of the lack of love, the lukewarmness, the doubts that would pass through my heart and perhaps that convicted Him even more to finish His mission because He knew that without His sacrifice, all would perish.

Christ, grant me that strength of endurance to keep on running the race and help me to draw strength from your cross, so that, even though I am so unworthy of Your love, I may one day come into the fullness of it, in You, my Lord.

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