Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Resurrection

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

 "And looking up, they saw that the stone had been rolled back— it was very large.  And entering the tomb, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, dressed in a white robe, and they were alarmed.  And he said to them, “Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has risen; he is not here. See the place where they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going before you to Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.”" (St.Mark 16.4-7)

I couldn't just leave it there could I? Of course not. Although not an official station, the resurrection is sometimes included. So I am including it.

Wow. So lent comes to an end and the time of Easter celebration begins. I have to admit that this blog has been hard for me. I've struggled to put in the effort and to reflect thoroughly on my day but even so I feel it has brought forth fruit in my own life. And that's just how God works, even though I fail at what I start, it's really Him who does it all if I just give Him a little bit of space to do what He does! What a lent it has been. The irony is, that through my lack of commitment, I've still learnt a lot and feel I have drawn closer to God. It's reinforced my reliance on Him and I feel like I have learnt something new about His love. I can't put it into words but Holy Week has been so powerful for me.
Last night a good friend of mine was received into full communion with the Church and it was such an awesome privileged to be there with him as his sponsor. To see him receive Holy Communion for the first time reminded me of just how special it is. 

Easter Sunday was spent with friends in celebration and great to remember that we were all there, together, because of Christ. I think back on the day and how joy filled it was and compare it to the joy the disciples must have felt once the reality of the resurrection dawned on them. We have hope and joy because of that day. 

The Resurrection is a mystery beyond comprehension and I find myself struggling to grasp its reality. But it did happen. It is a reality. It is STILL a reality as Christ IS risen and IS seated at the right hand of the Father and He IS present, as the risen Lord, in the Holy Eucharist.
These are mysteries I will never understand in this life but I pray that God will grant me the humbleness of faith to accept that which I cannot understand.

What I have seen about myself through this blog is that what I need to live out is Christ's love for me. I've discovered His love in new ways, I've reminded myself of it each day and I know that He has given me all I need but now He asks me to "go out and do the same". I set a challenge for myself this lent: to volunteer at an old age home or homeless shelter. It's taken this lent to get me to a place where I realise just how much I must do that. I waste a lot of time, being lazy, not being productive  and there is so much to be done. I think I will keep this blog going, sporadically, when I get to it, but I feel I need it to make myself feel accountable. And after all, everyday we walk the Way of the Cross, even in the smallest things we do.

My Lord and God, I thank you for everything that You are and that You have done. In rising, Lord Jesus, you changed man's relationship with God forever. The graves were torn open and the dead have new life! I pray that I may have that hope in me, to always trust in You and Your mercy and that I may need no other sign but the resurrection. 
Praise be to you Lord Jesus, for ever and ever, alleluia, alleluia! 

Thanks all for reading and drop in from time to time as I keep on trying, with God's grace, to walk the path of Christ.

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